Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dancing. All The Time.

I said I'd post on dancing and dating. And since I'm working on finding my back to being a person of my word (more on that later...), here we go. I think I'll give dating its own post later.

So, dancing. Sara told me last weekend she's going to make me a shirt that says, "Ahhhhhhh, I love dancing." Sadly, I think she was kidding... I would wear it all the time. It's ridiculous how much I love dancing, because I'm terrible at it. I like to dance in the shower, in the club, in my car, at the dinner table when I'm supposed to be sitting still and minding my manners, standing around the pool table at a dive bar where nobody else is dancing. I bob to the music in my head when I'm sitting in class. Last night I caught myself waist-up dancing at the nurse's station while I was charting. I'm shakin' it right now. In fact, I was thinking I might be too tired to go meet my friends tonight... but I'm listening to a playlist entitled "Just Dance" and I think I'm going to have to go.

Since I love lists so much, I think we should make a list of rules for dancing in public.

1. Mind your face. If you don't smirk and laugh while you dance people will think you're serious. And trust me, you're not serious. You're not a good dancer even when you've been drinking. Almost nobody looks good dancing.

2. No slapping your own ass or grabbing your crotch. Even in jest. Just don't.

3. If all you can do is step side to side and bob your head, own it! It's a good idea to have somebody to dance with, though. If you're standing in the middle of the dance floor bobbing your head by yourself, chances are you're also looking around. And that's freaking creepy.

4. Drink something. Sober people are way too stiff.

5. Don't drink too much. Drunks are embarrassing. They also tend to hit on somebody else's girlfriend or make out in front of everybody. Nobody likes this.

Well, those are the five I can think of off the top of my head. I'll be on the lookout for more rules tonight. Do you have any suggestions?

I have to go now... time to fix my hair and put on my new fedora. Oh, and one more note. Regarding the last two rules: it's important to find your formula. For instance, mine is one strong rum and coke then a beer every 1.5 hours. I stay loose and fun but I keep my wits about me. Stir in house music, low lighting, and a good crowd. Happy for hours.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

My suggestion:

If you get bored or run out of moves on the dance floor, look for someone that looks great or hilarious and follow their moves (works best if this person is pretty far away and doesn't know what you are doing).